We are a Global Specialty Pharmacy & Healthcare Services Organization

Serving the entire Specialty Pharmacy industry with End-to-End, customized solutions to enhance patient outcomes. We provide a Rare and Special Perspective to streamline the commercialization of specialty and rare disease therapies, improve medication access, realize cost savings, and optimize the quality of life for patients with complex, chronic conditions.

Benefiting all Industry Stakeholders
We are at the forefront of Specialty Pharmacy healthcare with cutting-edge programs and services to address market challenges, and deliver the best possible experience for patients with chronic or complex conditions requiring specialty medications or cell and gene therapies.

AscellaHealth transforms Specialty Pharmacy with a technology driven platform for ground-breaking, end-to-end solutions which deliver value and elevate the therapy journey for specialty and rare disease patients.

State-of-the-Art Programs and Services
  • Pre-Commercialization & Market Access

    Product commercialization and outsourced market access services ensure specialty patients have access to the therapies they need when they need them most. Our team collaborates with drug manufacturers, ensuring access and optimizing outcomes for rare, ultra-orphan and cell and gene therapies.

  • International Specialty Pharmacy Fulfillment

    Our Specialty Pharmacy and network provides Distribution, Fulfillment, Wholesale, 3PL Services and high-touch HUB/patient support capabilities for all specialty pharmaceuticals, including cell/gene therapies and other rare/ultra-orphan products.

  • Patient Support & HUB Services

    Comprehensive Hub and clinical patient support capabilities serve to streamline communications between prescribers, patients, and pharmacies, decrease medication fulfillment times and optimize health outcomes.

  • Financial & Copay Assistance Programs

    We offer customized copay assistance programs as well as unique and innovative financial and technology solutions for high-cost rare disease, cell, and gene therapies, increasing patient adherence to therapy and brand loyalty.

  • Specialty Pharmacy Benefit Management

    Our expert SPBM services include back-end management of Specialty claims under the pharmacy and medical benefit, specialty carve-outs, and utilization optimization, providing numerous cost saving and revenue opportunities.

  • Group Purchasing Organization & Drug Rebate Programs

    We provide group purchasing services under our subsidiary, Terebellum and implement manufacturer drug rebate programs to help manage the financial burden of high-cost specialty medications, providing international cost-saving opportunities.

Awards and Accolades

AscellaHealth is proud to be recognized as a leading global specialty pharmacy and healthcare services organization. We have won multiple awards both within and outside of the healthcare industry.

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