Full Name
Stephanie Armour
Job Title
Senior Special Writer, Health Care Policy
The Wall Street Journal
Speaker Bio
Stephanie Armour is the health policy reporter at The Wall Street Journal, where she covers the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, congressional health legislation, the opioid epidemic, and state health initiatives. A reporter for more than two decades, she has produced award-winning investigative projects on subjects including food safety, body brokering, and human trafficking. Ms. Armour has also written for Bloomberg, Businessweek, USA Today, The Des Moines Register, and The Daily Tribune in Ames, Ia. Her journalism awards include a First Place Headliner Award from the Press Club of Atlantic City, a First Place Sigma Delta Chi Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, and a First Place in Consumer Journalism Award from the National Press Club. She lives in Washington and has two children. She has degree in English from the University of Minnesota.
Twitter Handle
Stephanie Armour