PBM Hub: Employer Strategies to Break the Monopolies
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Shawn Gremminger Greg Baker Renzo Luzzatti Josh Bindl Bill Dreyer Craig Burton Joe Shields Christina Bell

For decades the PBM industry has been plagued by misalignment, opacity, and consolidation. With the “Big Three” PBMs controlling nearly 80% of the market, the fox is truly guarding the henhouse. 

In conjunction with the Annual Forum, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions has launched a PBM Hub, a pioneering initiative to foster collaboration, education, and innovation among employer/purchasers and the next generation of PBMs. 

The National Alliance, its member coalitions, and employer/purchaser members have the power to influence policy reforms that address harmful PBM practices. PBM Hub participants will learn to confidently set expectations for enhanced transparency, consultant independence, and value-based care. 

Key takeaways: 

  • Understand the National Alliance PBM misalignment initiative 

  • Learn what plan sponsors need for meaningful pharmacy oversight 

  • Gain clarity about rebates, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), and claims-level data access 

  • Dive deep into PBM contracts to avoid pitfalls 

  • Get comfortable with the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and how to minimize risks in benefit design 

  • Influence biosimilar strategies and formulary design 

  • Forge a clear path to affordable drug pricing through improved negotiations

This event is by invitation only and exclusively open to employers.

(Please contact Karlene Lucas with questions)

See agenda here.