Full Name
Karen van Caulil
Job Title
President and CEO
Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value
Speaker Bio
Karen van Caulil, PhD, joined the Florida Alliance for Healthcare Value in 2011 as the president and CEO. She leads this nationally recognized business coalition on health, overseeing all activities and operations including research projects, educational programs, conferences, and member engagement. Dr. van Caulil previously served in leadership positions for the University of Central Florida College of Medicine and the Health Council of East Central Florida.

Dr. van Caulil represents the Florida Alliance’s mission and work locally, regionally, and nationally, actively serving on numerous boards, advisory committees, and workgroups for organizations such as the National Alliance, Catalyst for Payment Reform, Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration, and the Florida Department of Health.

Dr. van Caulil earned undergraduate degrees from Duke University, received a Master of Science in Public Health in Health Policy and Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an interdisciplinary Doctorate in Public Affairs from the University of Central Florida. Dr. van Caulil was named “Outstanding Alumni” from the University of Central Florida’s College of Health and Public Affairs and under her leadership, the Florida Alliance received the Member Leadership Award from the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions.
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Karen van Caulil