Full Name
Ivana Krajcinovic
Job Title
Vice President of Healthcare Delivery
Speaker Bio
Delivery for UNITE HERE HEALTH, a national Taft-Hartley Fund dedicated to providing healthcare for unionized hospitality workers and their families. Combining her training as a health economist with more than 30 years working directly with immigrants and the working poor, Ivana oversees a wide variety of projects. She has deep expertise in engaging participants, ranging from benefit education to chronic disease self-management, as well as in developing peer-to-peer programs. Ivana leads a team that whose challenge is to radically bend the cost curve while maintaining quality coverage since every dollar UHH spends on healthcare is a dollar that could have gone to a worker in wages - higher wages that likely do more for workers’ health than increasing spending on their healthcare. Ivana and her team have utilized narrow networks, value-based contracts, direct contracting and have established health centers designed for their members.
Ivana Krajcinovic