Monday, November 18, 2024
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Open to all coalition directors, staff, invited employers only

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Hospital costs, among the fastest-growing expenditures in the US economy, have been notoriously opaque and unsustainable with only 34.5% reported to be fully compliant with the federal Price Transparency Rule. While the battle to curb costs has been going on for decades, only recently have employers/purchasers had access to data enabling them to truly understand just how unresponsive hospitals have been. This workshop provides essential information about plan sponsor fiduciary rights and responsibilities; how to determine what a fair price is; and available options to drive fair price practices in specific markets. 

Amanda Green Karen van Caulil Candace Shaffer Shay Forbes Susann Schlotterback Corey Ensslin

Experts advise that high-cost claims are one of the most significant threats to employer-sponsored healthcare. Although the management of high-costs claims is diverse and complex, successful market solutions do exist. Learn more about these strategic approaches and how to amplify and elevate the employer/purchaser voice through joint action to create momentum as we solve for emerging issues and challenges. 

John Fox Joe Toniolo Marianne Fazen Andrea Cockrell Chris Syverson Anthony Masotto Deborah Williams
2:15 PM - 3:45 PM

Medical trends are on the rise, putting pressure on employers to find effective ways to manage healthcare costs without compromising employee wellbeing. During this 90-minute workshop, we will demonstrate the importance of employers understanding their health data. We will explore five key areas: Cancer; GLP-1s; digestive health; musculoskeletal disorders; and maternity care. This session will highlight how the UnitedHealthcare Hub, a curated network of vendors with point solutions, can enhance the benefits ecosystem.

Mark Cunningham-Hill Craig Kurtzweil Chris Nordman Jerry Hautman Will Porteous

Rather than improving drug value and creating an efficient marketplace, the PBM industry has fueled flawed practices that harm employers and American workers. This workshop provides a roadmap for navigating the drug purchasing landscape and insight into how market trends, legislation, PBM misalignment, and scientific advancements will shape healthcare strategies of the future. Real-world case studies explore practical solutions to align PBM services with employer needs and improve employee experiences. Experts will also explain how intermediaries are inflating drug costs and blocking value from reaching employers — and what to do about it. 

Kimberly Westrich Christina Bell Leta Evaskus Carrie Rust Jeffrey Townsend Renzo Luzzatti
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

For business leaders coping with rapidly evolving workplace issues, one concern is universal: The rocketing costs of healthcare and health insurance. Be inspired to influence and engage your organization’s senior leaders in joining forces with radical changemakers who are driving healthy disruption across the entire healthcare system. It will take all of us to bring rationality back to a healthcare system that, to date, has not held room at the table for plan sponsors. 

Shawn Gremminger Jose Dotres, EdD Cynthia Fisher
4:45 PM - 5:25 PM

Dr. Cooper is a distinguished expert on the functioning of healthcare markets and the drivers of healthcare spending growth in the US. His keynote address will explore how rising healthcare spending in the US is impacting the wider economy and the ability of Americans to live lives of dignity and purpose. He will also focus on ways to drive efficiency in the US health sector and discuss what he sees as the limits of cost-sharing and consumerism.  

In his academic work, Dr. Cooper has analyzed the impact of competition in hospital and insurance markets, studied the influence of price transparency on consumer behavior, investigated the causes of surprise out-of-network bills, and examined the influence of electoral politics on healthcare spending growth. His research has widely been credited as a catalyst for the No Surprises Act. He has presented his scholarship at the White House, the US Treasury, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Trade Commission, and testified in the US Senate.  

Zack Cooper
5:25 PM - 6:45 PM
6:45 PM - 9:00 PM

By invitation only

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Bret Jackson Shawn Gremminger
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM

Healthcare corporatization and anticompetitive concerns continue escalating, as does the boom in non-essential supply chain intermediaries. These “middlemen” are obstructing the path to affordable, high-quality, equitable healthcare, triggering major legislative and policy issues and actions. Efforts to combat perverse incentives that lead to significant and costly over-utilization are underway, and employers and other healthcare purchasers must play a lead role in accelerating action to clear waste from the system. 

Jenny Goins Ivana Krajcinovic Vikas Saini Darcy Sementi
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Hospital expenses are rapidly becoming one of the largest expenditures in the US economy. Smith's introductory comments will shed light on the pricing mechanisms of the hospital industry and initiate a dialogue for further discussion by our panel. 

This point-counterpoint discussion with employers, coalition leaders, and hospital executives, explores how we can work together to return to fair pricing and rational costs on behalf of America's working families. 

Shawn Gremminger Michael McDermott, MD Mark Miller, PhD Laurel Pickering Molly Smith
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

The 340B Drug Pricing Program is crucial for reducing drug costs for underserved populations by allowing certain healthcare providers to purchase drugs at discounted prices. However, many employers and purchasers are unaware of its impact on their healthcare costs. This lack of awareness can lead to misconceptions about the program's scope and benefits, hindering efforts to address the underlying issues related to drug pricing and access. 

Educating employers and purchasers about the 340B program's mechanics and its potential effects on overall healthcare expenses is essential. Greater understanding can foster more informed discussions and strategies to manage drug costs effectively and ensure that all stakeholders are working toward a fairer, more transparent healthcare system. 

Bret Jackson Thomas Johnson Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) - Invited Sen. Shelley Moore-Capito (R-WV) - Invited Ge Bai
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a prevalent and debilitating mental health condition that imposes significant costs and burdens on both patients and employers. Patients with inadequately treated MDD experience a diminished quality of life (QOL), leading to reduced workplace productivity and increased expenses for employers. This presentation focuses on these critical areas and opens a dialogue on how employers can effectively contribute to the health and productivity of their workforce. 

Olaide Akingbade
11:45 AM - 12:40 PM

In this session, attendees will learn how to construct a comprehensive toolbox for assessing the value of health technologies, pharmaceutical drugs, and more. By utilizing trusted and unconflicted value assessments, purchasers can make informed decisions that optimize health investments. The session will cover essential tools and strategies to evaluate cost-effectiveness, clinical outcomes, and overall value, empowering purchasers to navigate the complex landscape with confidence. Join us to enhance your decision-making capabilities and ensure your organization’s health investments are both strategic and impactful. 

Sarah Emond Caroline Pearson John O'Brien Shawn Gremminger Nilay Shah
12:40 PM - 1:40 PM
1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM

The session will delve into the intersection of access to data, health equity, and benefit design. Many employers acknowledge the importance of health equity but it is unclear they have the technical knowledge and resources to work toward meaningful improvements in outcomes, access, and quality. Additionally, inequities can be exacerbated if not factored into employer-controlled benefit design decisions, resulting in worse differential effects among populations. Only by digging into and understanding data can employers understand and work to address inequities within their covered population.  

Orriel Richardson, JD
2:20 PM - 2:35 PM

As employers engage workers from four distinct generations, the group they have the least experience with is Generation Z - the youngest members of the workforce, born between 1997 and 2012. While ample research exists about how Gen Z views work-related topics like career goals; purpose and fulfillment; and work-life balance, fewer studies have focused on how employers can support this generation’s health and productivity. Through surveys, interviews, and focus groups, Fidelity Health® Thought Leadership research revealed one major reason employers should refashion their health benefits for the next generation: Many Gen Z workers don’t feel “well.” Across all key aspects of wellbeing, Gen Z employees appear to struggle more than employees of other generations, with the most significant gaps in mental health and work life. 

Benjamin Isgur
2:35 PM - 3:00 PM

Join the Alliance for Women’s Health & Prevention (AWHP) and Diabetes Leadership Council (DLC) for a discussion on the impact of obesity on women and opportunities for employers to holistically support women employees’ health. In this conversation, National Alliance CEO Shawn Gremminger will chat with AWHP CEO Millicent Gorham and DLC CEO George Huntley to explore how employers and women’s health and obesity care advocates can work together to advance comprehensive obesity care coverage and support in the workplace.  

Millicent Gorham George Huntley Shawn Gremminger
3:00 PM - 3:25 PM

It is critical for patients and their loved ones to speak up, ask questions, and make their voices heard across the continuum of care. While each patient’s values, needs, and concerns must be respected at all stages of treatment and care, many do not feel safe, confident, or empowered to speak up. 

Through a touching story of personal loss, learn what can be done to proactively educate and equip employees and their families to advocate for themselves and question authority. 

Chris Syverson
3:25 PM - 3:55 PM
3:55 PM - 4:50 PM
Mike Stancil Mohannad (Ned) Kusti Rosa Novo Heather Sell

Cancer, now the top cost driver for employers/purchasers, is in the spotlight as trends shift. Inexplicably, more young people are getting cancer; medical professionals are struggling to keep pace with innovations; and, over the past five years, prices for new cancer drugs increased 53%. This session sets forth proven strategies that turbocharge prevention and early detection efforts; improve patient experience and quality of life; address health equity challenges; and manage treatment costs, alternative funding programs, and productivity.

Cheryl Larson Robert Baird Burt Zweigenhaft Sherri Samuels-Fuerst

North Carolina workers pay the second-highest price in the country for insurance through their employer. And prices have grown at double the national rate since 2015. Hear how Wilmington Health achieved the successful transformation of a 30,000-member population in Coastal North Carolina. By combining digital navigation and human-led advocacy, they effectively guided individuals towards primary care resources, resulting in $9 million in savings in the first year of operation.

Carley Hamann Jeff James Jon Rankin
4:50 PM - 5:45 PM

Having access to the continuum of healthcare services—from preventive and primary care to medical breakthroughs for rare diseases—can dramatically change and save lives. But contracting and funding models and mechanisms to meet diverse workforce needs are not always well understood or in the best interest of employers and employees. Identifying coverage options; engaging effectively with trustworthy vendors and subject matter experts; and managing costs while offering access to equitable, high-quality care across the continuum is possible! 

Christian Moreno Melina Kambitsi Patrick Nelli Ryan Faden

SDOH plays a critical role in shaping workforce health and wellbeing. By understanding the unique needs of ethnically and culturally diverse employees, employers can create targeted prevention initiatives that resonate and deliver meaningful outcomes. 

Learn how employers/plan sponsors are using SDOH data and insights to create tailored, equitable prevention access. Topics include enhancing vaccine-preventable illness education; building vaccine confidence; promoting preventive care and treatment for chronic conditions; and communicating effectively to enhance employee understanding and engagement. 

Christa-Marie Singleton Antonio Iglesias Chris Skisak Ahmed Ragab

Building a comprehensive mental health strategy requires an impact-driven approach that incorporates coordinates the insights and support of health plans, vendors, and employers in ways that are accessible and accountable. Investing in employee mental health leads to healthy financial returns and a high-performing workforce. You will come away from this session with recommended practices and practical implementation ideas.  

Christina Bell Tanika Smith
5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM
7:30 AM - 7:45 AM
Shawn Gremminger Jamie Greenleaf
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) raised the bar on fiduciary responsibilities for employers - and, as litigation risk heightens, many are wrestling with how to effectively exercise their duties. Gain insights into how to efficiently and effectively operationalize fiduciary oversight through educational presentations and interactive breakout sessions. 

Subject matter experts will: 

  • Set the stage for a successful fiduciary process 

  • Discuss candidly the challenges and opportunities 

  • Highlight the importance of data to the fiduciary process 

  • Share learnings from recent litigation and resulting expectations involving pharmacy benefits and pharmacy benefit managers 

  • Offer guidance about how best to define and implement immediate action plans 

See agenda here


Chris Chan Jim Arnold Jamie Greenleaf Cora Opsahl Joe Toniolo Julia Posacki Bob Zakrajsek Dae Lee Julie Selesnick Christian Moreno Duke Kelly
12:00 PM
12:30 PM - 5:30 PM

For decades the PBM industry has been plagued by misalignment, opacity, and consolidation. With the “Big Three” PBMs controlling nearly 80% of the market, the fox is truly guarding the henhouse. 

In conjunction with the Annual Forum, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions has launched a PBM Hub, a pioneering initiative to foster collaboration, education, and innovation among employer/purchasers and the next generation of PBMs. 

The National Alliance, its member coalitions, and employer/purchaser members have the power to influence policy reforms that address harmful PBM practices. PBM Hub participants will learn to confidently set expectations for enhanced transparency, consultant independence, and value-based care. 

Key takeaways: 

  • Understand the National Alliance PBM misalignment initiative 

  • Learn what plan sponsors need for meaningful pharmacy oversight 

  • Gain clarity about rebates, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), and claims-level data access 

  • Dive deep into PBM contracts to avoid pitfalls 

  • Get comfortable with the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) and how to minimize risks in benefit design 

  • Influence biosimilar strategies and formulary design 

  • Forge a clear path to affordable drug pricing through improved negotiations

This event is by invitation only and exclusively open to employers.

(Please contact Karlene Lucas with questions)

See agenda here.


Shawn Gremminger Greg Baker Renzo Luzzatti Josh Bindl Bill Dreyer Craig Burton Joe Shields Christina Bell
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Open to PBM Hub attendees, faculty, and invited guests only